Senin, 11 November 2019

Hello guys, welcome to my blog :)

Do you know with KEBAB? Have you eat KEBAB? HA.. KEBAB is my favorite food 🙃
So, for this time I will to give you some information how to make a KEBAB.
Well, here is a recipe for making kebabs using beef.  Let's prepare the ingredients and start making.  Guaranteed it's no less delicious with kebabs that you usually buy.  Good luck!

The ingredients needed to make Turkish kebabs.
* Ingredients kebab meat. Half a kilogram of beef, sliced ​​across the fiber 1 ginger segment
* Half a teaspoon of coriander
* Plain yogurt (yogurt without flavor)
* 3 red chilies
* 2cloves of garlic
* Salt to taste

Pepper to taste
Complementary ingredients for Turkish kebabs:
* 1 sheet of tortilla or kebab bread (can be obtained at the supermarket)

* 25 grams of thinly sliced ​​onions

* 1 teaspoon margarine

* 25 grams of thinly sliced ​​lettuce

* 25 grams of thinly sliced ​​tomatoes

* 25 grams of thinly sliced ​​cucumber

* Tomato sauce to taste

* Mayonnaise to taste

 Ways of making.
 How to make kebab meat:

1. Prepare beef then wash it thoroughly.

2. After washing, then beat the meat until slightly widened.

3. Prepare spices in the form of red chili, garlic, ginger and coriander, then puree using a blender or ulekan.

4. After spices, add plain yogurt along with other ingredients such as salt and pepper.

5. After all the ingredients are mixed with the meat, leave it for about 10 minutes until all the seasonings have seeped into the meat.

6. After 10 minutes, roast the meat until cooked.  Remove and drain.

Well, that's is the information how to make KEBAB ❤️
Let's to try it ❤️

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